Monday, November 8, 2010

Money in my World

I operate under the belief that there is a God in Heaven, we are literally His sons and daughters and His goal is to have us return to Him and to be happy while we are here learning how to do that and how to be faithful. That said, I believe that He would have us be successful in good things. That includes money. And so it goes, pray like it all depends on Him and work like it all depends on you. Remember to keep your priorities straight and serve others. Time and money are both important as you serve those around you. If you have the money or the time, look for places to give. There are many references as to the fact that he who wants to make the most money gives away the most money. When you use it in the service of others, it comes back ten fold. I am learning that I can have whatever I want. It doesn't always come the way I expect it to come but, it comes. God in Heaven loves us and wants to bless us and prosper us... as we are true and faithful, that very thing will happen.

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